Transition Game

Make your pupils aware of ecological transition
The Transition Game makes your pupils aware of the challenges of ecological transition and its many components: energy, consumption, habits, industries, etc. They will learn to manage the population of a town or village by making the development choices intended to meet their needs, while favouring speedy and optimal ecological transition. In particular this game helps its players to understand the relations between the needs of a population, and the resources and environment of the territories in which it lives.
A modest invitation to think alternatively, the Transition Game gives the choice of transformation and preserving natural areas, and thus imagining a life in harmony with nature. It also highlights the risks linked to climate change (drought, extreme meteorological events, etc.) and their impact on daily life.
It is a collaborative game that favours exchanges, in which children contribute to reaching a common goal together. The game is an efficient way to get children to build their characters, explore the world in a new way, and develop their skills. It is managed by our mediator in your classroom.

All the information needed to play the Transition Game
- Duration of the activity: 45 minutes
- Duration of the installation before starting the activity: 15 min
- Duration of tidying up after the activity: 5 minutes
- Cost: free
- Place: in your school, classroom or physical activity space.
To prepare before the activity:
Specify the number of children in the class, special demand for classes exceeding 24 pupils.
In addition:
For schools so wishing, this game can be associated with a guided visit of one of CNR’s industrial installations depending on its proximity with the school.
Reservation obligatory via the contact form or by telephone on 00 33 (0)4 78 95 71 78